Thursday, October 14, 2010

Shouting Out

I know its not much and it isn't a novel concept, but I am definitely tired chairs. I spend 6-8 hours a day sitting in a chair, and I'm tired of it. I become overly restless. All I want to do is just go outside, get some fresh air and enjoy life. What makes me sad is that with school, it isn't possible for those 6-8 hours and with Winter fast approaching, the sunny days outside quickly fade and it just keeps getting colder. When will spring come, swimming can only keep me tame for so long.


  1. Chairs do kind of stink.
    Although I spent 3 hours standing up doing math equations and other problems on a white board yesterday and that was debatably worse.

    I want to go outside. And run. Or something.

    I've been finding myself more an more mentally exhausted instead of being physically exhausted like I get in the summer.

  2. I like this. And totally agree.
    PS. About to blog!
