Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Trying To Start A New Chapter

I always find myself giddy at the prospect of snow.

This is despite having the past five winters yield snowfall and now even attending a college in a location which typically yields a heavier snowfall, as of which is currently going strong outside my dorm. Even if I wasn't going to venture out into this snowstorm, I still can't help but smile.

With all the snowboarding I do during the season, there is no way I have a lack of seeing snow or experiencing it. I simply can not get enough snow.

About four weeks ago, while snowboarding with some friends, I took a pretty rough fall. Taking a cross trail pretty fast between two black diamond trails, I caught an edge. All it took was half a second of not paying attention on a flat area to come crashing down onto the hard packed snow. Thinking it was merely dislocated, I rode on my heels the rest of way down to where I was supposed to me my friends at the end of the run. After unzipping my jacket, my friend noticed a pretty bad bump along my clavicle. After getting my arm in a good splint, my friends drove me to an ER off the mountain.

There it is, in approximately five pieces according to the surgery document. The interesting part was how I felt no need for pain medication for at least four to five hours later. By that point while not bad at any point, simply just became too much to bare.

Then a week later with thirteen screws and two plates holding it all together, after the anesthesia and nerve block wore off was when I was in the most pain. But now after three weeks, I feel no pain and see the start of a very long scar. As the healing process seems to be going without a hitch, I already look forward to next winter so I can get back out on the slopes. 

It's definitely one thing to fall, its another to not get back up. 

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