Friday, January 21, 2011

My Stroke Of Genius

This week in my guitar class, as sort of a final project, I was assigned to begin work on a song, focusing on creating a melody. Right off the bat I came up with a simple five note traverse and just went from there. I had the idea to drop it down a bit and then run back to the original start with a G scale.

And that be it, including tabs, for those who dare try it. But the thing was, I liked its simplicity and the G scale run, but I did feel it was missing something. In all honesty, I'm still not to sure what its missing, maybe I'll come back to it, or not, only time will tell.
So I sat there today, just messing around, finger picking, and I stumbled on something, and I just ran with. I feel it flows well, has a good backing, and works well. It may not be my masterpiece, but its got a way to it that just fits me.

I honestly could help but write it down, because it was my little journey to write something worthwhile. Maybe I'll extend beyond this, make a full song, add lyrics, and have it all done. Only time will tell, and I will be waiting to see what I do with it.
*Edit* Oh, by my pure mechanical error, the Bs in the third and fourth measures are Cs, and also, rather than play this in six eight time, just play it as in four four, with all the eighth notes as quarter notes, and the two quarter notes at half notes. My apologizes as I have not had a chance to fix this.

For the ease of guitarist, the song is structured around the chords, G, C, and D
Now, I came across a video that is somewhat insulting, and I advise that you watch at your own discretion, but this video is truly genius. And it can be somewhat true.
*Edit* For the third and fourth measures, rather on the B string, rather than open fretting, use the first fret to maintain a C chord patter.


  1. Imma try and play this on my piano. Tomorrow.
    When I'm not feeling like a grouch.

  2. Oh, as a forewarning, I made a couple mistakes and you should read the edits.

  3. Hmm, do you think you could write it in chord progression?
    Not that I can't read tabs, I just prefer not to :P
