Wednesday, February 13, 2013

A Letter To Your Favorite Internet Friend

I first started blogging almost three years ago. And since then I've had the occasional interaction with fellow bloggers. Therefore it is pretty obvious why my favorite internet friends would be in fact, bloggers.

I follow the blogs that I follow for a reason. I enjoy reading all of them, and it is always a sad day when a fellow blogger starts to fall away from posting regularly. But there have been some that while may get busy with life, but find the time to at least do an occasional catch up post, which always is an enjoyable read.

But I don't have one favorite internet friend, but rather two. You've both have been the two bloggers I interact with the most, and your posts are some of my most favorite to read. And whenever either of you comment, on one of my posts, I know it is always gonna be something good.

Thanks for the time you've put into blogging, Ada and Jillian.

1 comment:

  1. hi; just checking out some of the blogs that signed up for A/Z challenge. It is fun to have Internet friends, isn't it? I've been blogging for over 7 years and some of the people that first read my blog years ago are still commenting on mine and me on theirs. Its a wonderful community we have I do believe. I've been fortunate to meet in person two bloggers which was a neat experience too!

