Thursday, November 25, 2010

Trekking Forward

Once again, I realize it has been to long of a time between my posts. Although I may not entirely be too busy, I just get distracted by life and neglect other areas. But here I am now, and I do wish a Happy Thanksgiving to those who read now.
Now on to some good news, my high school swim team had its tryouts the other week, and once again, I made it. We shall see how my final season goes, but I am excited for my first meet, next Friday.
And now, my main event, another physics assignment. I do enjoy the more hands on portion of physics and I really like this project. Simply put, I was to design and build a small catapult.

Rather than use the typical crossbar that most catapults use to transfer the inertia of the swinging arm to the flying object, I decided to use rope on the rear end. The purpose of this was to prevent cracking from the wood on wood contact.

I feel that my process was a success, and now my next step is to increase the force by purchasing shorter bungee chords. I don't know how it will fare compared to my other classmates, but its still pretty cool.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you're back and I myself also seem to neglect certain areas of my life when happy, sad, distracted. My blog being one of them. Sometimes I don't know what to write.

    Good luck with swimming!
