Friday, June 4, 2010

Team Awesome

Today, while battling boredom in class, that usually stems from extra time in electives, which tend to sadly, not provide enough mental stimulation. To think that when you get to choose the class, that it would be a whole lot better. Well, from a friends blog several days, I notice a comment posted by this guy --> Christopher, which of course is awesome considering the basic Latin definition, carrier of Christ or carrier of the world. Despite the religious idea behind it, and since my name is a variation, and because his blog is titled The Nerd Archives, I decided to follow him.
Which brings us to today, when checking the list of new blog posts, his was at top, with a picture of Spock giving the Vulcan hand gesture (Live Long and Prosper). So I clicked the blue (but green here) Time to Say a Moderately Hasty Goodbye (I'm loving my HTML skills right now) After reading how he would be going to Texas for a month, I must now quote the reason I continued "also the date on which Abraham Lincoln lost his first tooth and Albert Einstein died whilst taking a bubble bath." Truly Christopher is a nerd, yet in a good way.
Since I have an extremely bad habit of clicking tabs and adding more stuff to read, I click on his other blog, The Chin Scratcher.
But rather than read in depth his liberal postings about the extreme right wing Texans, I just clicked another link (Last one, I promise). First thing I think is COMPETITION. But then, scratch that COMPETITION. I started to think about how I would have to do work to write some poetry considering how lately my mind thinks in single stanzas, usually unrelated babble or overly romanticized mush. But then I recall that I do have some old short poetry, stuff that isn't to complicated, maybe a little depressing but adequate, since I'm not in it to win it, but rather just try. So I decide to go with this, the best thing I could find, that I feel is good enough as an entry but not boring or just plain lame but truthful about by inability to write well enough.

I bring you: Writing the Perfect Song Talented Apathetic

I bring my pen to paper,
Forget it, the words are lost.
As soon as they came,
they are now gone.

How does this work,
Aren't the words supposed to flow.
Where is the masterpiece,
one to appear in moments.

I just can't figure it out,
unable to find the answer.
It seems very much unattainable,
The perfect song.

Inspiration isn't needed,
I've already found the perfect girl.
Her picture sits in front of me,
My feelings must not be enough.

How does everyone else do it,
It seems so impossible.
To write the perfect words,
And place them on paper.

I just can't figure it out,
unable to find the answer.
It seems very much unattainable,
The perfect song.

I suppose I won't know the results till after the deadline of June 30 at 7:09 PM (Ok...Maybe I lied, but I do like links, a lot.). All I can do is wait, and maybe hope for the best. Hoorah for COMPETITION

1 comment:

  1. haha, i found you through The Chin Scratcher/Nerd Archives. i was under the impression that you knew Christopher personally!
