As a military brat, I've always had an expected sense of being a good person by doing right and helping others. With scouting as a young child, it was a great way to cultivate that feeling while my parents could be involved and help out by guiding me. Of course after reaching Wolf, a lack of participation, common to overseas troops, scouting was sidelined. When in Sigonella, I was unable to continue my way into Bear as sports were a very important part of my life. After discovering that fellow classmates that were friends, were Boy Scouts in the seventh grade, I convinced my parents to let me join up and I feel that was an important decision in my life.
The issue that generally arose from scouting was my indifference to completing the various requirements to rise a rank. It was not that I didn't like to do the various activities or learn skills, but the fact that I felt no need to prove my capabilities. Following a long period of time, I finally did rank up, yet I was, so I think, already knowledgeably in various scouting fields and an able leader. After the quick movement from Tenderfoot to First Class, I became the elected Senior Patrol Leader. Despite the Troop in a slump, we ended up completed what we set out to do, and all the younger scouts learned well and enjoyed what we did. But what was also important about this aspect of my life was my Father. Although I did like doing things on my own, my Dad being at scouts was more as him being any other adult leader, he let me do my tasks on my own while offering the assistance and guidance as needed. I was able to grow up while knowing that this was something we had in common, as I was not much of a successful athlete.
Sadly it came to an end, although I was a successful scout and a great leader, the Navy required my dad to spend his next tour on sea duty requiring our family to move once again. Since Boy Scouts tends to be structured where those who've been with the troop longer are more likely to be elected to positions, I saw no way to actually make Eagle Scout. I simply just decided to not join a new troop and end my scouting era.
After a year away from scouting, a friend reintroduced a fabled area of scouting. While Venturing did seem a viable option, I did not know Sea Scouts to be a successful area as what would be my local council did not have a ship. A friend from my school and coworker introduced me to a ship that wasn't too far away but was in a different council, since she knew I just joined the schools sailing team, she felt I would like Sea Scouts as well. Due to a natural disposition towards trying beyond my bounds, the ability to drive myself made it easier to become active, and the more I active I've become the more I've enjoyed it. Sea Scouting became more accessible without the need for a ride. The most beneficial part of Sea Scouting is the fact that a variety of sources, whether it be the different levels of education or the different genders or different experiences, Sea Scouts, and Venturing allows for a greater scouting experience than a troop would. Activities including other ships and crews brings forth a whole different set of rules to the table. Creative and unique ideas are brought forth as most of the scouts realize that these are people you won't see much of ever again making thought processes more experimental. The climatic environment allows for one to realize that you have one life, and you've got to be willing to put yourself out there to be successful.
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