Monday, March 25, 2013


For the most part, the last couple of weeks have been pretty busy. Well, there was spring break, but I didn't feel motivated to do very much. All I managed was to do was pick up a couple life guarding shifts as well as help out at a swim meet for the team I'll be coaching this summer.

Then for the last week I have been busy trying to keep up with all the massive amounts of homework I've had to do as well as juggle corp recruiting tasks.

This wasn't made any easier with the fact that I was at a regatta last weekend. The day started slow Saturday, but an increase in the wind made it way more fun. Then Sunday have even higher winds, with some white caps, plus then it began to rain adding to all the more fun. Overall, despite the cold and my lack of sailing footwear, and even somehow managing to get a little sun burnt, it was very worth it. Yes, I'll be busy with sailing the next two weekends, but I'll find a way to manage everything.

The tricky part next month will be to manage blogging daily on random topics. What is gonna happen is that I will be doing the A-to-Z Challenge with no real topic consistency. I will find a way to set aside enough time to post and follow the rules. If I put my mind to it, I should have no trouble with it.


Thursday, March 7, 2013

A Letter To Your Reflection In The Mirror

Quite a bit has changed about you, hasn't it?

The hair, how horrible did it used to be. A couple months of growth. Not even a comb to make it look decent. Stopped doing that, hair cuts every couple of weeks keeping things groomed. None of that peach fuzz type stuff any more either. Shaving everyday leaves you with a shadow every night. 

A bit more larger as well. More muscular, developing with more muscular exercise then you used to. Not really built, but more there than there was before.

Same smile though. Seems kind of goofy to me. That dimple doesn't help. But when you do smile, you just know when it feels genuine. Cause when you're forcing it, you feel like it is just way to fake, that everyone else can see it too. 

Then those eyes. Why do they just always seem so blank? You've been so lucky to have seen all that you have seen. Why don't they show more happiness more often? Are they just hungry? Ready to see more of the world? Maybe it just feels that everyday spent not experiencing the world is just another wasted day?

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

A Letter To The Person That You Want Tell Everything To, But Too Afraid To

I try to be honest with everyone about everything. But for some reason I feel like I can't tell you much. It might be childish of me but I feel like you might judge me badly if I was more open.

Yes, you're my parents, why shouldn't I share more about my life with you. My brother, he never was the shining example of much. I shouldn't fear that you'll compare me to him. But maybe, if there is one little thing, you might relate us.

Yeah, he's my brother, but I don't want you to think I'm anything like him. I'm not.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

A Letter To Someone That Changed Your Life

Whenever we allow anyone into our lives, we typically give them the chance to influence who we are in some way or another. Even those that we have no choice but to accept into our lives can have the same effect.

Part of my decision to become an officer for the US Navy was because I want to be a leader. So what better way to become a good leader than to go to a senior military college with an extensive history of educating fine military and civilian leaders.

The five people that changed how I view leadership most directly were my cadre during my freshman year. These five cadets were examples of what the Corp of Cadets can do for their members.

So, my cadre, I thank you for what you did for me. You showed me what kind of leader I want to be. One who cares for his subordinates, but is stern when necessary. A leader that motivates his subordinates to give it their all for whatever task they are given.

Monday, March 4, 2013

A Letter To The Friendliest Person You Knew For Only One Day

I didn't know you for just one day, nor have I not seen you since the time I met you. But I have never met someone who could befriend so many strangers as quickly as you did.

You were a great roommate for our leadership conference. I personally had a really great time there, and glad things worked out the way they did there.

And thing is, we run into each other every couple of days. We share greetings, maybe even a quick catch up, but otherwise, it is limited to just that.

You're a great guy, but I suppose we were never meant to really be much more than acquaintances. And I'm totally fine with that, we have our own lives which have very little overlap, and we'll be just fine like we are.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

A Letter To The Last Person You Made A Pinky Promise To

You asked me to make you a promise. That is the thing about promises, whether they be pinky, handshake, contract, or even just by word of mouth, you expect me to keep it.

That is who I want to be. A man who keeps his word. A man who stands by his honor.

So when you ask me to make you a promise, I will do everything in my power to keep it, cause I promised. 

Saturday, March 2, 2013

A Letter To The Person You Know That Is Going Through The Worst Of Times

Sometimes life just seems to suck. That is how it has to be occasionally so that all those good moments feel all that much better. So just know that good times are on the horizon, and all you need to do is take the steps to get there.

But you aren't alone. You're my friend and I will stick by your side. I will help you in whatever way you need. All I ask is that you just let me try. What is a friend but someone to stick by your side when times get tough.

And I understand that I might not always know when times get tough for you. All you need to do is tell me and I'll be there for you. Cause I care, and I take care of my friends.

Friday, March 1, 2013

A Letter To The Person That Gave You Your Favorite Memory

I have always been a huge fan of board and card games. I have always been keen to the standard games, the ones you would find at a normal toy store. And then there were the card games using a standard deck of cards.

But then there was that one night in the hotel room. During our families' winter break trip, that's when my world changed. 

You showed me how to play, Bang! I've never seen a non-trading card game before that day. From there my view of gaming changed. It introduced me to a world, with specialized game shops and scouring through different websites. A world where all the time, I find more and more appreciation for gaming.