I have decided that this evening I would like to play a game, of course whenever you read this, it may not happen to be evening. Nonetheless, let us ignore that discrepancy, and view what I have taken from
kirby's blog. Before then, possibly since I shall consider this an epic journey into a Blog question and answer game, maybe we need some
music which I have gotten from the blog
Rob and Annie's Tunes for Every Occasion which I must say is a pretty cool blog with some pretty cool playlists.
A: Something I am sad about: That the four weeks till spring break is seemingly so very far away
B: Favorite band: The obvious choice for me would be Relient K of which I have just about every song they have ever written, played, distributed.
C: Who I like and why I like them: I am not entirely sure as to who I would put. There are plenty of nice girls but I am still looking for that girl I would feel would be the best to be with. Maybe I have already met her, or maybe I haven't but I have to keep looking.
D: Dream house/place to live and why: I feel like I would like a house with multiple stories. Maybe with a large living room with an over hang. I'm not entirely sure, but it would at least have that.
E: Post a recent photo of yourself:
F: My favorite movie: I think I would have to say Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World which I have found very epic and have even read the graphic novels it is based off of
G: Sexual orientation: Straight
H: Do I smoke/drink? No I have not, and never will smoke. On the other hand maybe one day I will drink but when will not be very soon
I: Have any tattoos or piercings? I have not been inked but I think one day I will, but I am not sure yet of what, since it'll be permanent I will definitely think it through
J: What I want to be when I get older: As of right now I want to be an officer in the United States Navy, but I don't think that its what I want to do my entire life. Maybe I will become a teacher, it has been something I have considered.
K: Relationship with my parents: Decent enough, I don't always talk to them much but I have been trying to include them a little more in my life when I am at home.
L: One of my insecurities: That I might fail, that I will lose everything that I have worked for
M: Virgin or not? Not at all
N: Favorite place to shop at? Barnes and Nobles. I really like to read and I really like buying books
O: My eye color: Dark Brown, sometimes people say they kinda look black
P: Why I hate school: I really do like school but I am not a huge fan of having to write papers
Q: Relationship status as of right now: Single, lonely, either word works.
R: Favorite song at the moment: Wavin' Flag by K'naan or Only The Good Die Young by Glee
S: A random fact about myself: I have a whole
T: Age I get mistaken for: Typically its children who think I am like 20 or older
U: Where I want to be right now: I think either I would want to be on a sailboat right now or snowboarding. Either activity would please me
V: Last time I cried: I don't tend to cry very often but I believe it was the last time that I really got angry at her fro what she did
W: Concerts I’ve been to: Hinder
X: What would you do if your parents forbid you from dating someone? I feel like I would never want to date someone they would end up forbidding.
Y: Do you want to go to college: Yes, which is why I am doing so right now and I am glad to be here
Z: How are you? I would have to say adequate, life seems to be calm, nothing exciting.